
What to Pray Before Surgery

No one knows what to expect when they or their loved one have surgery. Will they wake up okay? Will they be in pain? Will they recover quickly? Many people believe in the power of prayer, and some choose to pray before surgery. Whether you are religious or not, there is no harm in praying for a successful surgery. Some people find comfort in prayer, while others see it as a way to connect with their higher power. If you are interested in praying before your surgery, here are some prayers that you may find helpful. We hope this information will help bring peace and comfort to you during a difficult time.

Prayer Before Surgery

Dear Lord,

I am facing a surgery that makes me feel fearful and worried. I ask for your Almighty protection as I enter into surgery. I ask that you please guide the hands and minds of the surgeon and medical staff as they work on my body. Provide them with wisdom and in all that they do and help me to draw my strength from You.

Allow my to feel your heavenly presence and keep my eyes fixed on You and Your promise to never leave nor forsake me. Thank You for the assurance that I shall have no fear because You are with me. Stay with me throughout this process, allowing this surgery to go well and for me to wake easily from my surgery and have a restful, healing recovery.

I trust you Lord, at every turn and in each season, and know that You are with me today and always.


Prayer Before Surgery for a Friend

Dear God,

Please give my friend, ____ strength and courage as they go into surgery. Let them feel Your presence. Help ____ to remain calm and know that You are with them always, holding them in the palm of Your hand.

Grant the surgeon and medical team the wisdom and understanding that only You can provide to make the right decisions for ____’s health. I pray that You will bless them with safety and good health during this procedure and a peaceful recovery period. Please also show me how to best support ____ during this time.

Let ____ know that you are with them, even during this difficult time. Help them to be strong and not fear the unknown. Give them the courage and faith to take on this challenge with confidence and assurance. May they be enveloped in Your loving kindness and be comforted by Your grace.


Prayer Before Surgery for a Child

Dear Lord,

I commit my child, ____ into Your hands as they prepare for surgery. Please grant ____ courage and comfort as they face this procedure. Wrap them in the safety of Your loving arms and put a shield of protection around them.

Grant ____ healing and peace of mind throughout this procedure and the recovery process. Guide the medical staff’s hands to carefully, skillfully, and swiftly do what they need to do.

Help ____ draw from Your strength, and let them feel your calming presence during their time of need. Guide their thoughts to Your goodness, letting them know that You are with them and will never leave them.


Prayer Before Surgery for a Loved One

Dear God,

Thank you for the care and attention that my loved one is receiving for their surgery. Please keep them safe throughout their procedure and guide the hands of the medical professionals caring for them. 

Wrap my loved one in Your peace and comfort. Let them feel Your presence. May it give them the strength and courage to face their surgery with confidence and hope. 

May they have a swift recovery and may their health and wellbeing be restored quickly.


Prayer Before Surgery for Mom

Dear Lord,

My mom is having surgery today. Thank you for her presence in my life and the devotion that she has shown in caring for me. Please help her to not feel consumed by feelings of anxiety and overwhelm as she prepares for her surgery. Allow her to trust in Your plan for this difficult situation. May Your peace, protection, and great healing be granted upon her.

Be with her during her surgery as You guide the hands and minds of the medical staff. Grant her a smooth surgery and a quick and full recovery, allowing her to know that she is surrounded by love.

We thank You for the comfort and strength You provide her during this time and always.


Prayer Before Surgery for Dad

Dear God,

We call upon Your name as my dad enters into surgery today, we ask that You give him courage, healing, and comfort during this difficult time. Grant him the reassurance that he is loved and cared for throughout this journey and allow him to feel Your presence every step of the way.

Please grant the doctors and nurses the knowledge and expertise to give him the best care possible. Allow my dad to have a smooth surgery and a quick recovery and give him peace of mind throughout the process.

Give him strength and allow him to see Your goodness in his life as he navigates this healing journey.


Prayer Before Surgery for Grandparent

Dear God, 

Today my grandparent is going into surgery, and I know they are anxious. Surround them with Your peace and love. Grant them a sense of Your presence and the assurance of Your grace, bringing them comfort and peace as they prepare for this surgery. 

Please bring divine restoration to my grandparent. Grant favor and healing to them. Keep the surgeon’s hand steady as they mend what’s ailing my grandparent. Help my grandparent to move through the procedure quickly and with the least amount of discomfort. Please let my grandparent have a full recovery with no complications.

I ask that You provide them with strength and courage. Help them to stay calm and keep faith in Your loving plan. Help them to know that You are always with them. 

May You get all the glory.


Prayer Before Surgery for Sister

Dear God, 

We come to you today asking for your loving comfort and peace for my sister. Please give her strength and courage as she faces this procedure. Guide the hands and minds of the medical staff so that the surgery is successful. Please protect her and watch over her, and may she feel your presence throughout her recovery. We know that you are with her, and we thank you for your blessings and mercy. 


Prayer Before Surgery for Brother

Dear God,

We come to You in prayer today asking for Your protection and peace for our brother. We pray that You would provide strength and comfort to him during this procedure, and that You would guide the doctors and nurses so that they procedure may be successful. Please be with him and bring him courage and strength. Help him to have a gentle and quick recovery.


Prayer for Spouse Before Surgery

Dear Lord, 

Thank you for entrusting me with my spouse. I am grateful that I get to walk alongside them in sickness and in health. Help me to be a constant support to them throughout their surgery and recovery process just as You are an ever-present source of unconditional love for us. 

Please give the medical team wisdom and steady their hands during my spouse’s surgery. Grant my spouse safety and quick healing and allow them to give themselves grace as they heal. Allow me to have patience and endurance as I care for them during their healing. May this experience strengthen our bond and faith.

Let them feel the presence of Your arms wrapped around them. Give them the peace that only You can provide. We thank you for giving us comfort and guidance during this time.


Catholic Prayer Before Surgery


I pray for Your healing touch upon my body as I undergo this surgery. I ask that You remove any fear or anxiety from my mind and fill me with Your peace that surpasses all understanding. I place myself wholly in Your hands, Lord Jesus, trusting in Your love and care for me. 

Grant guidance to the hands of the doctor and medical staff performing the surgery. Please use their skills to restore my health to a state of wholeness. May my recovery be swift, and my strength be renewed. 

Replace my fears and those of my loved ones with Your peace. I place all of my concerns, fears, and struggles in Your hands, my Divine Healer.


Prayer Before Surgery for a Patient

Dear God, 

We come to you today asking for Your protection and guidance for this procedure for [patient’s name]. We ask for Your healing hand to be upon them, and for You to fill them with comfort and courage. May they feel Your presence, and the peace and assurance that You are with them. We pray that the procedure will be successful, and that they will have a speedy recovery. 


Prayer for a Successful Surgery

Dear God,

Thank you for my upcoming surgery. I put my life in Your hands and ask that You please be with me and guide the doctor and the medical staff who will be operating on me today. Please give them the wisdom and skills they need to perform the procedure successfully and provide comfort and peace to me.

Help me to know that what may look like a successful surgery to me may be different to You. Guide me in trusting Your infinite wisdom and submitting to Your will for this surgery.

I pray that You would be present in the room and give assurance of Your care. I ask You to protect and keep me safe, and I thank You for Your goodness and mercy. 


Prayer of Surrender Before Surgery


We surrender to You today as ____ prepares to go into surgery. We thank You for the gift that they are in our lives. We know that You will be with them in surgery when we can’t be, and that You are keeping them in the palm of your hand. You are the author of their life and no matter what happens, we put our trust in You, for You are our God.

We ask that you let this be a smooth surgery free of any complications, and that ____’s healing process is restful, quick and pain-free.


Prayer of Thanksgiving Before Surgery

Dear Lord,

Thank you for being with ____ today as they go into surgery. Your Word promises that You go before us. Even when we can’t feel You, we know that You are near. Thank You for Your presence in ____’s life today and the comfort and peace You are surrounding them with.

 We thank you for the opportunity for this surgery and to have skilled medical staff working to help ____’s healing journey. Bless them and help them to see Your grace in it all. May You receive all of the glory for this surgery today.

We are so thankful that You are always with us and Your promise that you will never leave or forsake us.


Prayer for Peace of Mind Before Surgery

Dear God,

I am anxious about my surgery today. I pray that You wrap Your arms around me as a shield of protection as I go into the operating room. 

Please guide the hands and minds of the surgeon and medical staff and provide them with wisdom and discernment every step of the way. 

Please give me comfort and peace of mind to know that You are by my side. Help me to lean on You and Your promise to never leave me. After my surgery, I pray for Your guidance in my healing and recovery.


Prayer Recognizing God’s Sovereignty Before Surgery

I often allow my anxiety to get the best of me. I ask that I feel Your presence today and that I’m reminded of Your truth that You alone are in control of all things, including the outcome of my surgery. I commit myself and my healing to Your sovereign power. Help me to rely on Your strength as my Healing Physician, and not on my own.


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